April 16, 2018

Spring Forward with Propane Tank Recycling and Refills from Irish Propane

A quick glance at the calendar (and away from the thermometer) reminds us that spring has sprung here in Buffalo and Rochester – and its arrival ushers in two of our country’s most time-honored traditions: spring cleaning and outdoor grilling.

At Irish Propane, we can help you with both.

If you’ve got an unwanted 20-, 30-, or 40-pound propane tank cylinder from your barbecue or space heater taking up residence in your garage or outdoor space and want to dispose of it safely (and legally), just bring it to one of our Irish Propane locations—for a small fee, we’ll take care of it for you.

If you need to replace your tank, we can help there, too, with new and reconditioned tanks available. We can also recertify old tanks, with a 24-hour turnaround (your recertified cylinder would be good for 5 years). If your tank is still in good shape and you want to have it in time grilling season (it will get here, we promise!), just bring it in for a refill.

Why refill rather than exchange you tank, you ask? Simple – you’ll get more for your money.

You see, most tank exchange companies will only fill your tank to about three-quarters capacity, citing safety laws that require the extra space for propane expansion in the heat. The problem is that cushion is already factored in to the tank’s 20 lb. capacity – which means you’re getting charged for a tank that’s filled to little more than 60 percent of its capacity!

Why do that when you can get an honest propane cylinder refill at Irish Propane?

Irish Propane offers 20-, 30-, and 40-pound cylinder recycling and refills for domestic customers at its Buffalo and Rochester locations. Contact us today to schedule a refill visit!

Extra Small
Extra Large
Double XL