January 14, 2020

Keep Your Propane Generator Ready for Action This Winter

Weather has gotten pretty unpredictable these days – and although it has been a relatively mild winter so far, we all know that severe weather can happen can visit the Rochester or Buffalo area at any time. That’s why many of us have installed a whole house propane generator – one of the best investments you can make for your home comfort and safety.

But a backup generator only helps if it performs when you need it most. To make sure it does, take the following steps before, during, and after severe winter weather:

During winter:

  • Run your generator – Like any mechanical equipment, a generator that sits for long periods without running will eventually develop problems. Take your generator for a test run at least once per month to lubricate moving parts and maintain important seals (you wouldn’t leave your car in the driveway all winter without starting it up occasionally then expect it to run, would you? The same principle applies here). Power up to a full load and observe any problems.
  • Schedule a propane delivery – Make sure your propane generator has enough propane to get you through at least a week without power, since emergencies may delay deliveries. Be sure to keep access to your generator’s fill valve clear, keeping at least an 18” pathway to your generator for clear of snow and debris for service and propane deliveries.
  • If you’re leaving town, give keys to a neighbor – If severe weather is forecast when you’re leaving for vacation or traveling on business, make sure someone has access to your home in case of emergency.
  • Keep operating records – Record any incident in which your generator is called into service, along with any problems that occur.

In the offseason:

  • Read up – Don’t wait for severe weather to read the operating manual.
  • Service your equipment – Invest in a professional inspection and repairs – preferably twice a year (pre-winter and pre-storm season in the summer).
  • Run your generator – Continue to run your generator for a few minutes once every three months or so during the offseason to make sure everything is in working order.
  • Prepare for the worst – Develop a “plan B” if your generator does not start.
  • Review your plan – Take notes about what worked and didn’t work in your approach; make changes as needed.

Stay one step ahead of severe winter weather with a propane backup generator – powered by fuel from Irish Propane! Contact us today to learn more, or to schedule your propane delivery.

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Extra Large
Double XL